Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Fashion Career

I have been feeling much happier with my internship lately. Christine and I finished organizing the archive of magazines last week, which had us both in the basement sorting boxes of hundreds of magazines. We sorted them by country, then alphabetic order, then year, then date. Now, we are very proud that the shelves are totally organized and labelled to make a magazine extremely easy to track down. It was a big project with a lot of manual labor, but it was so exciting to see the finished result.

Lately, we've been working back up in the office. Usually, we begin the day by going through all of the magazines and newspapers that our office subscribes to and tagging any page that has a mention of Stella McCartney or her family. Then, we give any tagged pages to another intern who scans them and compiles the clippings into a bound press book.

Throughout the day, we get several deliveries from different magazines and newspapers returning clothes that we have sent out. When that happens, I go meet the fed ex delivery person downstairs and take the packages up to the office. From there, Christine and I would then check in the clothes into the returns binder by highlighting the item in the send out binder and moving it over.

When we notice that an article of clothing has not been returned, we then may be asked to make a phone call to the news media in possession and remind them to return it. That is called doing a call-back. At first I felt strange that they would be hearing my American accent, but then I got used to it.

Sometimes, when a delivery needs to be made within London, I may be asked to go make it myself instead of Fed Ex. I usually like to do that in order to get out into the fresh air, even though I tend to hurry as much as possible in order to get it done quickly. This past week I made two deliveries.

Another task I worked on a lot this week was to prepare boxes to be shipped to Paris for Paris fashion week. It was kinda cool seeing all the clothes that are going to be on the runway in a few weeks time. I feel like I know a secret that others wont know for a while.

I've saved the best for last so hopefully you're still reading this. On Thursday, Stella McCartney was being interviewed for a magazine in the VIP room at our office, and I got to see her walk down the hall. It was really cool, and I'm so happy that I at least got to see her even though I'll probably never get to meet her.

Well, that about covers it for Stella! I'm really liking the other interns that I work with and getting to know them a lot better. There's probably around 10 of us. Also, my boss Imogen is really nice too, and I write about her great management style in my weekly internship reflections all the time. Overall, I'm definitely starting to enjoy my job more.

1 comment:

  1. You know what would be really cool? Posting maps where we could follow along on your travels. I had to go to a hard-copy map to follow you through Scotland, and it would be great if this info were readily available. Now I hope this isn't a big time-consumer, but the effort would make your readers' day.
